TicTocs für den eigenen Katalog

<![CDATA[Vor ca. 1,5 Jahren habe ich schon mal kurz über den Dienst ticTocs The ticTOCs Journal Tables of Contents service makes it easy for academics, researchers, students and anyone else to keep up-to-date with newly published scholarly material by enabling them to find, display, store, combine and reuse thousands of journal tables of contents from … „TicTocs für den eigenen Katalog“ weiterlesen

<![CDATA[Vor ca. 1,5 Jahren habe ich schon mal kurz über den Dienst ticTocs

tictocThe ticTOCs Journal Tables of Contents service makes it easy for academics, researchers, students and anyone else to keep up-to-date with newly published scholarly material by enabling them to find, display, store, combine and reuse thousands of journal tables of contents from multiple publishers. With ticTOCs, it only takes a tick or two to keep up to date.

Nun hat Peter van Boheemen von der Wageningen UR Library ein API geschrieben, das es erlaubt, die dort zur Verfügung gestellten Feeds (Inhaltsverzeichnisse der Journals) im Katalog bei den Titeldaten anzuzeigen. Zum Beispiel hier zu sehen (show articles anklicken).
Peter schreibt:

It is this kind of services that should be shared more often between libraries in the world. We already discovered journals that are missing from Terry’s list and will send them to him to update this wonderful service.
At Wageningen we are able to add this sort of services to our library catalogue easily, since we develop it all ourselves, but if you are using something you have bought from a library vendor, you might be able to so the same thing.

Leider kann ich nicht beurteilen, ob und wie das z.B. in PICA eingestzt werden könnte, eindrucksvoll finde ich es schon. [via wowter]]]>

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