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DiRT Wiki

Schönen Dank an Joachim Eberhardt, der uns den Hinweis auf das Digital Research Tools (DiRT) Wiki schickte. Lisa Spiro schreibt dazu in ihrem Blog: “When I talk with researchers about a cool tool such as Zotero, they often ask, â??Hey, how did you find out about that?â? Not everyone has the time or inclination to … „DiRT Wiki“ weiterlesen

Schönen Dank an Joachim Eberhardt, der uns den Hinweis auf das Digital Research Tools (DiRT) Wiki schickte.
Lisa Spiro schreibt dazu in ihrem Blog:

“When I talk with researchers about a cool tool such as Zotero, they often ask, â??Hey, how did you find out about that?â? Not everyone has the time or inclination to read blogs, software reviews, and listserv announcements obsessively, but now researchers can quickly identify relevant tools by checking out the newly-launched Digital Research Tools (DiRT) wiki: DiRT lists dozens of useful tools for discovering, organizing, analyzing, visualizing, sharing and disseminating information, such as tools for compiling bibliographies, taking notes, analyzing texts, and visualizing data.”

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