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Standalone Signal Desktop

“Signal Desktop is now available in a new, standalone form, and the Chrome App has been deprecated. The new desktop version of Signal runs independently of your browser. If you’re a Firefox or Safari user, you don’t need to install Chrome to send and receive Signal messages on your computer. If you’re a Chrome user, … „Standalone Signal Desktop“ weiterlesen

“Signal Desktop is now available in a new, standalone form, and the Chrome App has been deprecated.
The new desktop version of Signal runs independently of your browser. If you’re a Firefox or Safari user, you don’t need to install Chrome to send and receive Signal messages on your computer. If you’re a Chrome user, having your browser open will no longer be synonymous with having Signal Desktop open.”

Ein unabhängiger Messenger, nicht verbandelt mit irgendwelchen großen Angeboten. Hier noch weitere Informationen darüber.