Schlagwort: librarian problems
Vocational awe and resilience narratives
“I believe vocational awe and resilience narratives make library staffers feel less comfortable expressing dissatisfaction with their work and advocating for themselves.” Meredith Farkas schreibt in american libraries über die Schattenseiten der Selbstüberhöhung, die allen helfenden Berufen eigen ist: “In the end, library workers are the most important resource our libraries have. We should pay … „Vocational awe and resilience narratives“ weiterlesen
“I believe vocational awe and resilience narratives make library staffers feel less comfortable expressing dissatisfaction with their work and advocating for themselves.”
Meredith Farkas schreibt in american libraries über die Schattenseiten der Selbstüberhöhung, die allen helfenden Berufen eigen ist:
“In the end, library workers are the most important resource our libraries have. We should pay at least as much attention to their well-being as we do to our nonhuman resources.”
Manche Webangebote haben sich ja schon daran gemacht, solche Schattenseiten auszuloten, beispielsweise “Librarian problmes” … 😉