David Baker, ein “menschlichen Buches” beschreibt, was passiert, wenn die Bibliothek die – ursprünglich schwedische – Idee, Menschen zu verleihen umsetzt. Auch in Ã?stereich gibt es derartige Aktionen.
The new library fad: borrow a person
The idea, which comes from Scandinavia, is simple: instead of books, readers can come to the library and borrow a person for a 30-minute chat. The human “books” on offer vary from event to event but always include a healthy cross-section of stereotypes. Last weekend, the small but richly diverse list included Police Officer, Vegan, Male Nanny and Lifelong Activist as well as Person with Mental Health Difficulties and Young Person Excluded from School. I was there as Gay Man.
Den Katalog der ausleihbaren Bücher gibt es hier.