Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy Wales “conceded that Wikipedia’s quality may not be up to the level of Britannica. […] ‘That kind of quality is important, and we do believe we can reach that kind of quality within a year,’ he said. Within a few weeks, Wales plans to propose a review process that would essentially allow certain … „Begutachtungsverfahren für Wikipedia?“ weiterlesen
Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy Wales “conceded that Wikipedia’s quality may not be up to the level of Britannica. […] ‘That kind of quality is important, and we do believe we can reach that kind of quality within a year,’ he said. Within a few weeks, Wales plans to propose a review process that would essentially allow certain articles to be flagged as ‘stable’ so they could be included in print or CD-Rom versions”. Die Artikel sollen dennoch weiter verändert werden können, es ist lediglich an eine zusätzliche Ebene gedacht, in der eine bestimmte Version eines Artikel als Standard erklärt wird. Zitiert aus Walker, Leslie: Spreading Knowledge : The Wiki Way. Washington Post, 9.9.2004 (kostenlose Registrierung).
Danke für den Hinweis an Zapopan Muela Meza, dem im übrigen zuzustimmen ist, wenn er in der Mailingliste biblio-progresistas schreibt: “Librarians should join forces and check for the accuracy of this Open Access and Open Content–free and gratis– reference source. What do you think? In the Gutemberg galaxy librarians just selected and mainly bought information resources. In the Internet Galaxy librarians may still select and mainly buy information resourcers for their library-information communities, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT now they can also be authors and they can get those resources free for the benefit of their communities. And they might as well foster a more cooperative, solidary, friendlier, free and open society where competition be only fostered to be the most cooperative ones, ecology protectors and so on!”.