“We have collected together the 10 most popular blogs published on the CILIP website in 2015 (based on the number page views). We published 122 blog posts on the CILIP website last year to encourage discussion about important topics affecting the library, knowledge and information community. The blog topics covered ranged from how to digitise … „10 aus 122: beliebte CILIP-Blogeinträge aus dem Jahr 2015“ weiterlesen
“We have collected together the 10 most popular blogs published on the CILIP website in 2015 (based on the number page views).
We published 122 blog posts on the CILIP website last year to encourage discussion about important topics affecting the library, knowledge and information community. The blog topics covered ranged from how to digitise images on a massive scale to the importance of data literacy and how libraries can support people in personal, national and community crises.”
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Jürgen Plieninger (4. Januar 2016). 10 aus 122: beliebte CILIP-Blogeinträge aus dem Jahr 2015. netbib. Abgerufen am 13. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/sa24
Autor: Jürgen Plieninger
Jürgen Plieninger, früher Bibliothekar in einer One-Person Library, promovierter Soziologe, Blogger in diversen Weblogs zu den Themen Bibliothek, OPL, Recherche, Fortbildung, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Kurse in den Bereichen Recherche, Arbeitsorganisation und Web 2.0. Engagiert im bibliothekarischen Verband BIB. - Weitere Infos finden Sie auf https://jplie.wordpress.com/
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