“(…) and I always found it like amazing to me, that these conferences were so expensive, and they were never like recorded on video or something, because only a select group of people were able to go there and that was always depending on their motivation or of the kind of person, that they were, if that kind of knowledge, that they picked up, was shared in their organisation. So I thought: Why not record all this stuff and let the people, who work in libraries decide for themselves, what’s gonna be interesting for their future enough.”
(Jaap van de Geer, transskribiert aus TWIL #100, 5:00 – 5:50)
Es ist interessant zu hören, was er dann gleich darauf sagt … – Seit vier Jahren produzieren Erik Boekesteijn and Jaap van de Geer “This week in libraries”, kurz: TWIL. Die hundertste Folge ist der “Global Library Internet Show” selbst gewidmet, die beiden Macher werden von Stuart Hamilton, IFLA interviewt.
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Jürgen Plieninger (4. August 2013). TWIL #100: The story behind TWIL: The most interesting libraries around the world. netbib. Abgerufen am 9. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/s974