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Anschaffungsvorschläge gesucht

Die in der Academy of Modern Ruins beheimatete Philosopher’s Library bittet um Anschaffungsvorschläge: In our age of increasing distractions, the need for perspective and reflection is essential. Candy Chang and James A. Reeves will transform an abandoned gas station on Route 66 into a library dedicated to pilgrimages and personal transformation. Located in the Mojave … „Anschaffungsvorschläge gesucht“ weiterlesen

Die in der Academy of Modern Ruins beheimatete Philosopher’s Library bittet um Anschaffungsvorschläge:

In our age of increasing distractions, the need for perspective and reflection is essential. Candy Chang and James A. Reeves will transform an abandoned gas station on Route 66 into a library dedicated to pilgrimages and personal transformation. Located in the Mojave desert, The Philosopher’s Library will be a remote sanctuary filled with books about leading an examined life, as well as a card catalogue where travelers can share their philosophies for personal well-being.

Schönen Dank an Max Ackermann für den Hinweis!!

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Edlef Stabenau (14. Mai 2013). Anschaffungsvorschläge gesucht. netbib. Abgerufen am 18. Februar 2025 von

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