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Reading is your business. Reading is our business. Reading is everyone's business.

<![CDATA[ Das Video steht auf der Seite der Kampagne “ebooks for libraries”. Die Petition haben bereits 6.500 unterzeichnet, meldet @ebooks4libs, 10.000 Unterzeichner/innen sind angestrebt. Begründet wird die Petition so: To All Book Publishers: We are your customers. We buy your print books, your audiobooks, and your ebooks. We also use libraries. We love our libraries … „Reading is your business. Reading is our business. Reading is everyone's business.“ weiterlesen

Das Video steht auf der Seite der Kampagne “ebooks for libraries”. Die Petition haben bereits 6.500 unterzeichnet, meldet @ebooks4libs, 10.000 Unterzeichner/innen sind angestrebt. Begründet wird die Petition so:

To All Book Publishers:
We are your customers. We buy your print books, your audiobooks, and your ebooks. We also use libraries. We love our libraries and we trust our librarians to recommend great reads. Libraries are unique places where we discover new authors, explore new genres, and connect with our neighbors over books. In many cases, we use libraries to find more of your books to buy.
However, unlike print books, you have limited our ebook choices at libraries. We don’t think this is fair – for us or for libraries. We want the choice to check out your books, in any format, from our local libraries. We want the ability to use libraries digitally just as we have with print.
As book lenders, libraries directly and indirectly encourage us to purchase books. We will still buy your ebooks, but we need libraries to help us discover, explore, and connect. We see libraries as your partners and we respectfully ask that you work with them.
Therefore, we sign this petition to encourage publishers to work with libraries to:

  • Provide digital content to libraries
  • Allow libraries to have access to books in all formats
  • Develop a business model that allows publishers and authors to thrive while ensuring that libraries can continue to serve readers and build collections for our communities


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Jürgen Plieninger (17. Mai 2012). Reading is your business. Reading is our business. Reading is everyone's business. netbib. Abgerufen am 18. September 2024 von

Autor: Jürgen Plieninger

Jürgen Plieninger, früher Bibliothekar in einer One-Person Library, Soziologe, Blogger in diversen Weblogs zu den Themen Bibliothek, OPL, Recherche, Fortbildung, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Kurse in den Bereichen Recherche, Arbeitsorganisation und Web 2.0. Engagiert im bibliothekarischen Verband BIB. - Weitere Infos finden Sie auf

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