A day of action on the 5th February: CILIP is supporting Save Our Libraries Day, a day of action to bring greater attention to the cuts and closures facing many public libraries. We want everyone who cares about reading, literacy and libraries to use their public library on the 5th February and tell as many … „Save Our Libraries Day“ weiterlesen
A day of action on the 5th February:
CILIP is supporting Save Our Libraries Day, a day of action to bring greater attention to the cuts and closures facing many public libraries.
We want everyone who cares about reading, literacy and libraries to use their public library on the 5th February and tell as many people as they can to do the same.
Und hier auch nochmal ein CILIP-Text. In Sheffield lud der Gemeinderat einen Unterstützer von Bibliotheken wieder aus, s. Sintoblog.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Jürgen Plieninger (31. Januar 2011). Save Our Libraries Day. netbib. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/s7m9
Autor: Jürgen Plieninger
Jürgen Plieninger, früher Bibliothekar in einer One-Person Library, promovierter Soziologe, Blogger in diversen Weblogs zu den Themen Bibliothek, OPL, Recherche, Fortbildung, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Kurse in den Bereichen Recherche, Arbeitsorganisation und Web 2.0. Engagiert im bibliothekarischen Verband BIB. - Weitere Infos finden Sie auf https://jplie.wordpress.com/
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