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Screencast statt Podcast

“Well, after much thought I decided it was best to not do our biweekly podcast any more. Just too much work and not a lot of return – SO, I developed this. I’ll be doing more of these and posting them to the SC State Library’s YouTube channel. Enjoy!” [via Libraries & Life] South Carolina … „Screencast statt Podcast“ weiterlesen

“Well, after much thought I decided it was best to not do our biweekly podcast any more. Just too much work and not a lot of return – SO, I developed this. I’ll be doing more of these and posting them to the SC State Library’s YouTube channel. Enjoy!”

[via Libraries & Life]

South Carolina State Library, realisiert mit Screencast-o-Matic, engl., 1:54.

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Jürgen Plieninger (31. August 2010). Screencast statt Podcast. netbib. Abgerufen am 6. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Jürgen Plieninger

Jürgen Plieninger, früher Bibliothekar in einer One-Person Library, promovierter Soziologe, Blogger in diversen Weblogs zu den Themen Bibliothek, OPL, Recherche, Fortbildung, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Kurse in den Bereichen Recherche, Arbeitsorganisation und Web 2.0. Engagiert im bibliothekarischen Verband BIB. - Weitere Infos finden Sie auf

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