Belesen schlafen

… kann man in dieser Bettwäsche des Projekts “SLEEPLESS”: SLEEPLESS is a collaboration between The Great Eastern Hotel and fourteen students from the Royal College of Art’s acclaimed Design Products department led by Professor Ron Arad. Reactive installations and objects invite guests and visitors to take part in an experience and step into a hidden … „Belesen schlafen“ weiterlesen

… kann man in dieser Bettwäsche des Projekts “SLEEPLESS”:

SLEEPLESS is a collaboration between The Great Eastern Hotel and fourteen students from the Royal College of Art’s acclaimed Design Products department led by Professor Ron Arad. Reactive installations and objects invite guests and visitors to take part in an experience and step into a hidden dimension where a hotel is more than just a place for the night. Part of the project is Bedtime Stories. This blanket, designed by Tiago da Fonseca, has several sheets containing a traditional bedtime story. Each “page” adds a layer of linen making you warmer (or cooler) and comfier hopefully guiding you and your partner into a pleasant night’s sleep. Click here to see all the other great designs that are part of the project.

[via bibliobsession, vagabondages und best classic furniture]

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Viola Voß (19. März 2010). Belesen schlafen. netbib. Abgerufen am 10. September 2024 von

Autor: Viola Voß

Jahrgang 1977, Sprachwissenschaftlerin und Bibliotheks-/Informationswissenschaftlerin, arbeitet an der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster

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