The pricing crisis means that libraries must pay intolerable prices for journals. The permission crisis means that, even when they pay, libraries are hamstrung by licensing terms and software locks that prevent them from using electronic journals in the same full and free way that they may now use print journals. (In general, the pricing crisis applies to both print and electronic journals, while the permission crisis only applies to e-journals.) … Both the pricing and permission crises can be solved at one stroke by open access. Wie sagt der Schockwellenreiter immer so schön? Lesen! Peter Suber hat nämlich eine schöne Einführungs ins Thema Open Acces für Bibliothekare geschrieben.
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Jürgen Plieninger (29. Dezember 2004). Open Access für Bibliothekare. netbib. Abgerufen am 4. Dezember 2024 von